
What is the meaning of the name Lyla?

The name Lyla is primarily a female name of Arabic origin that means Night, Black.

Different Spellings of the name Lyla:

Lyla, Lailah

People who like the name Lyla also like:

Ava, Lila, Layla, Olivia, Charlotte, Amelia, Violet, Lucas, Gabriel, Liam, Oliver, Owen, Benjamin, Landon

Names like Lyla:

Liliha, Lou, Lela, Loyola, Liluye, Lilli, Lel, Lee, Loyal, Lue, Lehua, Lieu, Lewa, Leila, Lua, Lea, Lilly, Lalo, Luai, Lyle, Lali, Lala, Lael, Liliah, Lal, Lew, Leela, Loie, Lilia, Loa

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Lyla Golding - daughter of Henry Golding and Liv Lo , born 2021
Lyla Maria Schwarzenegger Pratt - daughter of Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger , born 2020
Lyla Rose Loeb Hershkovitz - daughter of Lisa Loeb and Roey Hershkovitz , born 2009

Stats for the Name Lyla

checkmark Lyla is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Lyla is currently #240 in U.S. births

Songs about Lyla

Click button to listen on iTunes

Leila Came Round & We Watched - Four Tet
Like Leila Khaled Said - The Teardrop Explodes
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