
What is the meaning of the name Ramona?

The name Ramona is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Counsel Protection.

Feminine form of RAMON. Popular children's book character by Beverly Cleary.

People who like the name Ramona also like:

Amelia, Alice, Eleanor, Violet, Charlotte, Ruby, Penelope, Henry, Felix, Milo, August, Simon, Oliver, Theodore

Names like Ramona:

Rome, Ron, Rahim, Rama, Romy, Ryne, Rehn, Renny, Reon, Rene, Rima, Reyhan, Rhema, Roni, Rimma, Raum, Ramya, Rihana, Raheem, Rowan, Raman, Rina, Romana, Raheema, Romaine, Romi, Roma, Rummy, Romeo, Ronnie

Stats for the Name Ramona

checkmark Ramona is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Ramona is currently #795 in U.S. births

Songs about Ramona

Ramona - Guster
Ramona - Jim Reeves
Ramona - The Ramones
To Ramona - Bob Dylan
Wedding of Ramona Blair - The King of Luxembourg
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