
What is the meaning of the name Sawyer?

The name Sawyer is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Wood Cutter.

Occupational surname for a woodsman or someone who worked with a saw.

People who like the name Sawyer also like:

Oliver, Liam, Owen, Hudson, Grayson, Landon, Jackson, Charlotte, Violet, Olivia, Scarlett, Audrey, Ava, Amelia

Names like Sawyer:

Serah, Shekhar, Shariah, Socorro, Shukriya, Shichiro, Shiori, Sherry, Soroya, Sire, Shigeru, Sarai, Shreya, Saar, Shara, Scar, Shira, Seraiah, Shirou, Sara, Shiro, Soria, Sayuri, Sera, Suri, Shire, Shahryar, Swagger, Sarah, Suguru

Stats for the Name Sawyer

checkmark Sawyer is currently #87 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Sawyer is currently #280 in U.S. births

Songs about Sawyer

Tom Sawyer - Rush
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