
What is the meaning of the name Skye?

The name Skye is primarily a gender-neutral name of Scottish origin that means From The Isle Of Skye.

Also used as a short form of Skylar or an alternate of Sky.

People who like the name Skye also like:

Mason, Aiden, Oliver, Ethan, Alexander, Elijah, Liam, Summer, Aria, Ava, Charlotte, Violet, Ella, Scarlett

Names like Skye:

Syshe, Sayeko, Shae, Sika, Sheshe, Suzuki, Shug, Shui, Suki, Sage, Saga, Suchi, Suzah, Sequoia, Sacagawea, Shazzwa, Saskia, Seiko, Sissy, Secia, Shecayah, Soizic, Shahaka, Sachiye, Siaju, Shazi, Sea, Sy, Shigeko, Shizuka

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Ione Skye Leitch - daughter of Donovan Leitch and Enid Karl , born 1970
Violet Skye Lazan - daughter of Rachel Platten and Kevin Lazan , born 2019
Sterling Skye Mahomes - daughter of Patrick Mahomes and Brittany Matthews , born 2021
Kaia Autumn Skye Karnik - daughter of Vanessa Morgan and James Karnik , born 2024

Stats for the Name Skye

checkmark Skye is currently #69 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Skye is currently #446 in U.S. births
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