
What is the meaning of the name Star?

The name Star is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means Star.

Star Jones, talk show host, attorney.

People who like the name Star also like:

Liam, Jasper, Mason, Jack, Gavin, Alexander, Benjamin, Bella, Scarlett, Violet, Autumn, Summer, Sophia, Rose

Names like Star:

Starr, Sutter, Satoru, Sotiria, Sthir, Sudhir, Scooter, Story, Sitara, Shatara, Satria, Sterre, Sequester, Sidra, Soteria

Stats for the Name Star

checkmark Star is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Star is currently not ranked in U.S. births

Songs about Star

Andy You're A Star - The Killers
Highway Star - Deep Purple
Johnny Football Star - Next II Nothing
Kelly, Watch the Stars! - Air
Lola Stars And Stripes - The Stills
Soap Star Joe - Liz Phair
Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) - Don McLean, Lani Hall
Wendy Under The Stars - The Odds
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