
What is the meaning of the name Talia?

The name Talia is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means Morning Dew.

Talia Shire, actress ("Rocky")

Different Spellings of the name Talia:


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Violet, Amelia, Ava, Aria, Scarlett, Olivia, Charlotte, Gabriel, Liam, Silas, Caleb, Oliver, Elijah, Ethan

Names like Talia:

Tilly, Talulah, Tullio, Twyla, Thule, Thulile, Toli, Talli, Taylee, Telly, Tulay, Totole, Tylie, Tal, Tolla, Tola, Tuuli, Toille, Tehila, Tuli, Teela, Thalia, Tulia, Tulio, Tala, Tahlia, Twila, Tale, Tully, Theola

Stats for the Name Talia

checkmark Talia is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Talia is currently #264 in U.S. births
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