
What is the meaning of the name Tate?

The name Tate is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Cheerful.

Tate Donovan, actor.

People who like the name Tate also like:

Jackson, Finn, Owen, Gavin, Liam, Cole, Oliver, Charlotte, Tatum, Grace, Paige, Ava, Violet, Olivia

Names like Tate:

Tehya, Toya, Tea, Tai, Theta, Taite, Toddy, Taha, Thuy, Thwaite, Thai, Taye, Twee, Thu, Tatau, Tito, Tuwa, Thi, Tadita, Thao, Tutti, Teddy, Todd, Theudo, Toyah, Theia, Tattuye, Tadewi, Ty, Totie

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Tate Jones - son of Emma Bunton and Jade Jones , born 2011

Stats for the Name Tate

checkmark Tate is currently #79 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Tate is currently #197 in U.S. births
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