
What is the meaning of the name Teresa?

The name Teresa is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Harvester.

Form of the name Theresa. St. Teresa of Avila, Spanish mystic nun.

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Abigail, Charlotte, Mary, Violet, Anna, Elizabeth, Amelia, Nicholas, Gabriel, William, Andrew, Henry, Thomas, Benjamin

Names like Teresa:

Tareq, Trixie, Trusha, Tyrese, Triska, Tyrek, Terrico, Trish, Trace, Tarisai, Triage, Teruyoshi, Tracey, Turquoise, Tirzah, Tricia, Tedros, Tarika, Theresa, Tyreek, Therius, Tress, Tracy, Trejo, Tarak, Traci, Todorka, Theoris, Theodoric, Terehasa

Stats for the Name Teresa

checkmark Teresa is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Teresa is currently #844 in U.S. births

Songs about Teresa

St. Teresa - Joan Osborne
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