
What is the meaning of the name Tessa?

The name Tessa is primarily a female name of English origin that means Harvester.

Diminutive form of Theresa.

People who like the name Tessa also like:

Sadie, Violet, Audrey, Ella, Charlotte, Olivia, Ava, Oliver, Liam, Benjamin, Henry, Owen, Landon, Lucas

Names like Tessa:

Tsuyoshi, Taijo, Taqi, Tocho, Teague, Tetsuya, Tyche, Taissa, Teshi, Toski, Taj, Tess, Tokyo, Takashi, Toshawah, Takaaki, Takiko, Touca, Texas, Tadashi, Taszi, Takehiko, Takayoshi, Tiago, Tekoa, Toshiko, Teasha, Takashia, Taco, Tykaja

Stats for the Name Tessa

checkmark Tessa is currently #100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Tessa is currently #323 in U.S. births
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