
What is the meaning of the name Zane?

The name Zane is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that has an unknown or unconfirmed meaning.

In English, Zane originated as a surname with an unknown etymology and was popularized as a first name from author Zane Grey. The name possibly derives from John.

Zane can also be an alternate spelling of the Arabic name Zain.

Different Spellings of the name Zane:


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Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Zane Walker Green - son of Brian Austin Green and Sharna Burgess , born 2022
Caiden Zane Lochte - son of Ryan Lochte and Kayla Rae Reid , born 2017

Stats for the Name Zane

checkmark Zane is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Zane is currently #277 in U.S. births
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