
What is the meaning of the name Amanda?

The name Amanda is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Worthy Of Love.

Amanda Bynes, actress. Amanda Plummer, actress.

People who like the name Amanda also like:

Hannah, Emily, Emma, Olivia, Samantha, Abigail, Charlotte, Adam, Alexander, Aaron, Benjamin, Andrew, William, Matthew

Names like Amanda:

Amadeo, Anh Dao, Amand, Andia, Ahmed, Anada, Annot, Awinita, Amunet, Awanata, Aminta, Amedeo, Amity, Anandi, Amit, Awendea, Ahmaud, Anita, Ande, Anund, Ayanda, Amittai, Anahita, Amadeya, Amithi, Amund, Anand, Ahmad, Aninda, Amada

Stats for the Name Amanda

checkmark Amanda is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Amanda is currently #484 in U.S. births

Songs about Amanda

Amanda - Ace Troubleshooter
Amanda - Boston
Amanda - Waylon Jennings
Amanda Crazy Wolf - Erica Wheeler
Amanda Ruth - Rank and File
Amanda's Dream - Teitur
Crazy Amanda Bunkface - Sum 41
Go Amanda - Steve Earle
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