
What is the meaning of the name Ana?

The name Ana is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Gracious, Merciful.

Latin/Spanish form of of the name Anne/Anna.

Different Spellings of the name Ana:


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Names like Ana:

Ayame, Anwen, Anahi, Aminah, Amya, Anima, Ann, Amena, Amiyah, Anna, Anya, Ani, Aimi, Annie, Ameya, Amina, Ayumi, Awena, Aamina, Ayman, Amin, Ayume, Ananya, Amma, Aweinon, Aman, Anane, Anemone, Amna, Aaina

Stats for the Name Ana

checkmark Ana is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Ana is currently #224 in U.S. births

Songs about Ana

Click button to listen on iTunes

Ana - the Pixies
Ana Ng - They Might Be Giants
Ana's Song (Open Fire) - Silverchair
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