
What is the meaning of the name Andy?

The name Andy is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Manly.

Diminutive form of the name Andrew. Andy Garcia, actor. Andy Griffith, actor. Andy Dick, actor/comedian. Andy Warhol, artist.

People who like the name Andy also like:

Oliver, Ethan, Aiden, Benjamin, Aaron, Andrew, Adam, Alice, Ava, Charlotte, Isabella, Amelia, Violet, Emma

Names like Andy:

Ahmed, Amand, Anantha, Anh Dao, Amedeo, Anahid, Amadeya, Anada, Amayeta, Amita, Annot, Amunet, Amit, Ande, Amanda, Amondi, Amity, Ayanda, Aminta, Andie, Anando, Ayinde, Amittai, Amadi, Anund, Amund, Amadahy, Ananda, Awentia, Amithi

Stats for the Name Andy

checkmark Andy is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Andy is currently #500 in U.S. births

Songs about Andy

Andy - Indigo Girls
Andy Always Dreamed of Wrestling - The Bobs
Andy Warhol - David Bowie
Andy Warhol - Stone Temple Pilots
Andy Warhol Was Right - Warrant
Andy You're A Star - The Killers
Andy's Chest - Lou Reed
Desperate Andy - The Cranberries
Me and Little Andy - Dolly Parton
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