
What is the meaning of the name Augustine?

The name Augustine is primarily a gender-neutral name of Latin origin that means Great.

Form of August or Augusta.
St Augustine of Hippo, early father of the Christian Church.

People who like the name Augustine also like:

August, Theodore, Felix, Oliver, Alexander, William, Sebastian, Violet, Eloise, Alice, Genevieve, Evangeline, Adelaide, Eleanor

Names like Augustine:

Acton, Axton, Austine, Ashdon, Agostino, Augustin, Ashton, Austin, Astin, Ashtyn, Aston, Agaton, Augustina, Agustina

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Augustine Boone Foehner - son of Gabby Barrett and Cade Foehner , born 2022
James Thomas Augustine Henrie - son of David Henrie and Maria Cahill , born 2020

Stats for the Name Augustine

checkmark Augustine is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Augustine is currently #623 in U.S. births

Songs about Augustine

Augustine - Patrick Wolf
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