
What is the meaning of the name Baylor?

The name Baylor is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Delivery Person.

Baylor is an English surname, from the term bailor meaning "delivery person."

Baylor is a private university located in Waco, Texas. Baylor University's mascot is a bear; the name of a mixed-breed dog, said to be a Husky or Malamute mix.

People who like the name Baylor also like:

Jackson, Declan, Liam, Hudson, Holden, Harrison, Oliver, Scarlett, Violet, Amelia, Charlotte, Eloise, Audrey, Ella

Names like Baylor:

Ballari, Blair

Stats for the Name Baylor

checkmark Baylor is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Baylor is currently #753 in U.S. births
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