
What is the meaning of the name Cathryn?

The name Cathryn is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Pure.

Catherine Zeta-Jones, actress. Catherine Keener, actress. Catherine the Great, Russian Empress.

Different Spellings of the name Cathryn:

Cathrine, Catharine, Cathryn

People who like the name Cathryn also like:

Grace, Elizabeth, Emma, Olivia, Caroline, Charlotte, Amelia, Oliver, Benjamin, Alexander, Thomas, William, Liam, Henry

Names like Cathryn:

Citrine, Caitriona, Catriona, Chitrinee, Catherine, Catrin, Caitrin, Catraoine, Caterina

Stats for the Name Cathryn

checkmark Cathryn is currently #39 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Cathryn is currently #332 in U.S. births

Songs about Cathryn

Click button to listen on iTunes

Catherine - PJ Harvey
Czarina Catherine - Peace Burial At Sea
Song for Catherine - K's Choice
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