
What is the meaning of the name Cecilia?

The name Cecilia is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Blind.

Cecilia ultimately derives from the Latin family name Caecilius. 

Famous bearers: Saint Cecilia, 2nd century martyr. Princess Cecilia of Sweden, one born in the 16th century and the latter in the 19th. Cecilia, Norwegian singer. Cecilia Bowes-Lyon, grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II.  

Different Spellings of the name Cecilia:

Caecilia, Cecylia, Sesilia

People who like the name Cecilia also like:

Olivia, Aurora, Amelia, Alice, Audrey, Charlotte, Violet, Gabriel, Benjamin, Theodore, William, Henry, Oliver, Liam

Names like Cecilia:

Cilla, Cualli, Chelle, Cayla, Chaeli, Ciqala, Caelia, Calah, Cashel, Cicily, Cecelia, Cielle, Clee, Coyolli, Cecile, Cole, Caley, Clio, Calla, Csilla, Chaela, Chul, Callie, Coll, Cal, Callia, Cale, Clea, Chelo, Cecil

Stats for the Name Cecilia

checkmark Cecilia is currently #96 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Cecilia is currently #137 in U.S. births

Songs about Cecilia

Click button to listen on iTunes

Cecilia - Ace of Base
Cecilia - Simon & Garfunkel
Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon - The Blood Brothers
Cecilia Ann - Pixies
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