
What is the meaning of the name Corey?

The name Corey is primarily a gender-neutral name of Irish origin that means Hollow.

Corey Haim, actor. Corey Feldman, actor.

Different Spellings of the name Corey:

Cori, Koree, Korey, Corrie, Corie

People who like the name Corey also like:

Liam, Connor, Caleb, Chase, Aiden, Cody, Ethan, Ava, Hannah, Emma, Paige, Chloe, Charlotte, Amelia

Names like Corey:

Carey, Cara, Chiara, Curry, Cesare, Cherry, Carrie, Coeur, Cari, Cher, Ceri, Cree, Charae, Cherie, Ciro, Chicory, Chezare, Cicero, Currier, Crue, Caesarea, Cesaire, Currer, Cheree, Cezary, Caro, Cory, Cairo, Chaser, Ciar

Stats for the Name Corey

checkmark Corey is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Corey is currently #642 in U.S. births

Songs about Corey

Click button to listen on iTunes

Corey's Coming - Harry Chapin
Darlin' Corey - The Bluegrass Cardinals
Richard Corey - Simon & Garfunkel
Whatever Happened To Corey Haim? - The Thrills
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