
What is the meaning of the name Daisie?

The name Daisie is primarily a female name of American origin that means Daisy Flower.

Daisy Fuentes, actress. "Princess Daisy", novel by Judith Krantz. Daisy originally means "The day's eye" because the flower opens in the morning and closes at night.

Different Spellings of the name Daisie:

Deisy, Dazy, Daisie

People who like the name Daisie also like:

Charlotte, Lucy, Ruby, Alice, Violet, Amelia, Lily, Liam, Oliver, Jasper, Henry, Benjamin, Finn, Jack

Names like Daisie:

Diogo, Deioces, Deus, Deka, Deza, Dusk, Diza, Dessa, Dex, Des, Duscha, Duszka, Doug, Desi, Dax, Dacey, Dacia, Daisuke, Dysis, Dosia, Dyaisha, Dezso, Daiki, Dascha, Diego, Disco, Duc, Duke, Daisy, Daichi

Stats for the Name Daisie

checkmark Daisie is currently #43 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Daisie is currently #110 in U.S. births

Songs about Daisie

Click button to listen on iTunes

Daisy - Stone Temple Pilots
Daisy and Prudence - Erin McKeown
Daisy Duke - Rooney
Daisy Jane - America
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