
What is the meaning of the name David?

The name David is primarily a male name of Hebrew origin that means Beloved.

David Caruso, actor. David Duchovny, actor. David Hasselhoff, actor/singer. David Letterman, talk show host. David Mamet, playwright. David Morse, actor. David Schwimmer, actor.

People who like the name David also like:

Ethan, Daniel, Jacob, William, Andrew, Benjamin, Alexander, Emma, Olivia, Abigail, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Grace, Hannah

Names like David:

Devota, Davida, Dafydd, Divitia

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

David Daniel Otunga Jr. - son of Jennifer Hudson and David Otunga , born 2009
David Banda Mwale Ciccone Ritchie - son of Madonna and Guy Ritchie , born 2005
Cruz David Beckham - son of David Beckham and Victoria Beckham , born 2005
Romeo Alejandro David Baldwin - son of Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin , born 2018
Gene David Fischer - son of Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer , born 2020
Rennie David Foster - son of Katharine McPhee and David Foster , born 2021
Wilder David Daugherty - son of Brant Daugherty and Kimberly Daugherty , born 2021
Lochlan David John - son of Stevin John "Blippi" and Alyssa Ingham , born 2022

Stats for the Name David

checkmark David is currently #79 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark David is currently #27 in U.S. births

Songs about David

Consequences, David, You'll Meet Your Fate in the Styx - Fear Before the March of Flames
David - Clare Cooper
David - Joy Electric
David Courtney - Rancid
David Denies - 'Til Tuesday
David Duchovny - Bree Sharp
David Jay/Peter Murphy/Kevin Haskins/Daniel Ash - Bauhaus
David Makalaster - The Les Claypool Frog Brigade
David Wainwright's Feet - Half Man Half Biscuit
David Watts - The Kinks, The Jam
David's Last Summer - Pulp
Jonathan David - Belle & Sebastian
Just Like Henry David - The Kennedys
Who's David? - Busted
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