
What is the meaning of the name Dayana?

The name Dayana is primarily a female name of Arabic origin that means Divine.

People who like the name Dayana also like:

Danica, Delilah, Layla, Amaya, Jayla, Elise, Aria, Carlos, Jason, Aidan, Donovan, Damien, Elijah, Landon

Names like Dayana:

Dinh, Donnie, Daemyn, Doane, Dana, Dannon, Danon, Danny, Dominy, Dwayne, Denna, Dina, Dane, Danian, Donahue, Dinah, Dian, Dune, Daniyah, Diana, Dannah, Demia, Dani, Done, Deon, Donae, Donoma, Diane, Dimaia, Dom

Stats for the Name Dayana

checkmark Dayana is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Dayana is currently #486 in U.S. births
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