
What is the meaning of the name Evan?

The name Evan is primarily a gender-neutral name of Welsh origin that means God Is Good.

Form of the name John. Evan Hunter, author.

Different Spellings of the name Evan:


People who like the name Evan also like:

Liam, Gavin, Benjamin, Lucas, Owen, Caleb, Ethan, Sophia, Charlotte, Ella, Evelyn, Emma, Ava, Olivia

Names like Evan:

Evania, Evana, Evaine, Epona, Evony, Epiphany, Evian, Evynne, Eavan, Evonne, Euphemia, Eivin, Eviana, Efim, Ebony, Evonnia, Eponine, Epifanio, Effimia, Epifania, Eben, Epunamun

Stats for the Name Evan

checkmark Evan is currently #85 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Evan is currently #137 in U.S. births

Songs about Evan

The Dream of Evan and Chan - Dntel
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