
What is the meaning of the name Everet?

The name Everet is primarily a male name of English origin that means Wild Boar Herd.

Everett was originally an English surname. Nicknames for the name Everett include Ev and Rhett.  Famous Everetts include actors Rupert Everett, Chad Everett, and Tom Everett Scott. Everett Peck is an American cartoonist. Everett Shinn and Everett Warner were artists. Everett de Roche is a screenwriter. Lee Everett is a character in the video game, The Walking Dead.

Different Spellings of the name Everet:

Everet, Everette

People who like the name Everet also like:

Grayson, Henry, Declan, Liam, Oliver, Emmett, Owen, Evelyn, Scarlett, Hazel, Amelia, Audrey, Charlotte, Violet

Names like Everet:

Eberto, Ephrath, Evert, Everett, Efrat, Evrard, Everard

Stats for the Name Everet

checkmark Everet is currently #19 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Everet is currently #88 in U.S. births
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