
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Free Or From France

What is the meaning of the name Frank?

The name Frank is primarily a male name of English origin that means Free Or From France.

Diminutive form of Francis. Frank Sinatra, singer/actor. Frank Lloyd Wright, architect.

People who like the name Frank also like:

Thomas, Oliver, Charles, Jack, William, Henry, Benjamin, Rose, Grace, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Alice, Olivia, Violet

Names like Frank:

Franka, Francois, Francis, Frenchie, Franco, Francesco, Franziska, Franciscus, Franz, Francisco, Frenchy, French, Franchesca, Francoise, Frances, Firenze, Francesca, Fiorenza, Frankie, Francisca

Stats for the Name Frank

checkmark Frank is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Frank is currently #468 in U.S. births

Songs about Frank

Dirty Frank - Pearl Jam
Frank and Jesse James - Warren Zevon
Frank Goodpasture Had a Pony - David Massengill
Frank Mills - The Lemonheads
Frank Sinatra - Cake
Frank to Valentino - Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer
Frank's 2000 TV - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Frank's Song - Tom Waits
Frank's Wild Years - Tom Waits
I'm Frank - The Fall
Just Like Frank - Less Than Jake
Our Frank - Morrissey
So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright - Simon & Garfunkel
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