
What is the meaning of the name Giselle?

The name Giselle is primarily a female name of French origin that means Pledge.

Different Spellings of the name Giselle:

Gisselle, Gissel

People who like the name Giselle also like:

Scarlett, Ava, Audrey, Isabella, Genevieve, Charlotte, Violet, Gavin, Gabriel, Elijah, Ethan, Oliver, Landon, Liam

Names like Giselle:

Gizela, Gazelle, Gael, Gili, Gali, Gawel, Gwil, Galia, Gal, Gil, Galea, Galilaia, Gale, Gill, Gallio, Gulay, Gul, Gaelle, Galileo, Gisele, Gyula, Galya, Gazali, Galilee, Gayle, Gisela, Galal, Gaullie, Galilahi, Giulio

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Giselle Charlotte Overton - daughter of Jessica Rowe and Peter Overton , born 2009

Stats for the Name Giselle

checkmark Giselle is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Giselle is currently #345 in U.S. births
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