
What is the meaning of the name Hanna?

The name Hanna is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means Grace.

People who like the name Hanna also like:

Sophia, Grace, Charlotte, Olivia, Ava, Emma, Hannah, Mason, Gabriel, Jacob, Owen, Caleb, Liam, Ethan

Names like Hanna:

Hananiah, Huyana, Henna, Hyunh, Hyman, Himani, Haimi, Hwan, Hani, Honi, Hanne, Huaman, Hanaye, Humana, Haina, Huon, Hanini, Hanayo, Hahnunah, Huyen, Han, Hyeon, Hiyan, Hanny, Hahn, Haunani, Hume, Hana, Hemi, Hamano

Stats for the Name Hanna

checkmark Hanna is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Hanna is currently #525 in U.S. births
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