
  • Gender: Female
  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Violet (Flower)

What is the meaning of the name Ioni?

The name Ioni is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Violet (Flower).

From Ancient Greek word ion) meaning "violet" as in the flower. In Greek mythology, Ione is the name of a sea nymph, one of the Nereids, documented in a "The Library," an encyclopedia of Greek myth written in the 2nd century CE by Apollodorus.

The name Ione became popular in English and American culture from Edward Bulwer-Lytton's 1834 novel, "The Last Days of Pompeii," where it was the name of the heirone.

Ione Skye, actress.

Different Spellings of the name Ioni:


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