
What is the meaning of the name Irene?

The name Irene is primarily a female name of Greek origin that means Peace.

People who like the name Irene also like:

Olivia, Grace, Amelia, Evelyn, Hazel, Charlotte, Iris, Owen, Benjamin, Gabriel, Alexander, Oliver, Isaac, Henry

Names like Irene:

Irem, Irina, Irena, Irwin, Irma, Iorwen, Iren, Iryna, Iram

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Liberty Irene Kasem - daughter of Casey Kasem and Jean Kasem , born 1990

Stats for the Name Irene

checkmark Irene is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Irene is currently #674 in U.S. births

Songs about Irene

En Casa De Irene - Gian Franco Pagliaro
Erene (Irene) - Harry Belafonte
Goodnight, Irene - Leadbelly
Irene - tobyMac
Irene Wilde - Ian Hunter
Irenes Polka - Eddie Blazonczyk
Motorcycle Irene - Moby Grape
Wake Up, Irene - Hank Thompson
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