
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Diminutive Form Of Names Beginning With Jer Or Ger

What is the meaning of the name Jerry?

The name Jerry is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Diminutive Form Of Names Beginning With Jer Or Ger.

People who like the name Jerry also like:

Jacob, Gabriel, John, Liam, Daniel, Brandon, Felix, Jessica, Sarah, Charlotte, Hannah, Grace, Victoria, Elizabeth

Names like Jerry:

Jarrah, Juro, Jacory, Jasher, Jaeger, Jorah, Jariah, Jirair, Jeseray, Jory, Jaguar, Jarah, Jeriah, Jacarra, Jaegar, Jira, Jaser, Jora, Jayashree, Jeri, Jayashri, Jecori, Jasiri, Jauhar, Jurou, Jirou, Jera, Johari, Jair, Jesher

Stats for the Name Jerry

checkmark Jerry is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Jerry is currently #850 in U.S. births

Songs about Jerry

Click button to listen on iTunes

Did You Hear About Jerry - Bix Factor
Jerry - Harry Belafonte
Jerry - John Mellencamp
Jerry Curlan - The Angry Samoans
Jerry Springer - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Jerry Was A Racecar Driver - Primus
Jerry's Breakdown - Chet Atkins
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