
What is the meaning of the name Kannon?

The name Kannon is primarily a male name of English origin that means Clergyman.

English surname meaning clergyman, or directly taken from the word cannon. Also a form of the name Cain, meaning "Wolf Cub"

Different Spellings of the name Kannon:


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Names like Kannon:

Kioni, Kuniye, Kenan, Kinuye, Kione, Kamana, Ksenia, Kinmei, Kanani, Kawena, Kian, Kanoa, Ken, Kemi, Kaname, Keena, Kiyomi, Kona, Kiona, Khuyen, Kuno, Keone, Kasumi, Keyson, Keona, Kosumi, Konane, Kanon, Kin, Kimo

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Kannon Valentine James - son of Kevin James and Steffiana James , born 2011

Stats for the Name Kannon

checkmark Kannon is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Kannon is currently #636 in U.S. births
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