
What is the meaning of the name Leia?

The name Leia is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means Weary.

Princess Leia, character in the "Star Wars" movie series.

Different Spellings of the name Leia:


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Leah, Aria, Ava, Lily, Olivia, Sophia, Amelia, Elijah, Liam, Oliver, Gabriel, Alexander, Luke, Owen

Names like Leia:

Layla, Lula, Lilla, Loa, Luella, Laelia, Lia, Lilah, Lleu, Leehi, Liliya, Lowell, Lily, Lyle, Laleh, Lael, Lieu, Laila, Lou, Lilli, Lalo, Lei, Lyall, Lel, Loyal, Lela, Leila, Lali, Liliha, Leela

Stats for the Name Leia

checkmark Leia is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Leia is currently #211 in U.S. births
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