
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Origin: Scottish
  • Meaning: From The Lake Settlement Island

What is the meaning of the name Lyndsay?

The name Lyndsay is primarily a gender-neutral name of Scottish origin that means From The Lake Settlement Island.

The name Lindsay is a unisex given name that can be used for both males and females. It has Scottish origins and is derived from the Scottish Gaelic surname "Lindesay," which means "wetland" or "island of linden trees."

In the United States, it gained significant popularity as a girl's name in the 1980's and 1900's but has since declined in use. It is still occasionally given to boys but is more commonly associated with females.

Famous individuals named Lindsay include Lindsay Lohan, American actress and singer, and Lindsay Wagner, an American actress best known for her role as Jaime Sommers in the 1970s television series "The Bionic Woman." Also Lindsey Buckingham, musician and member of the band Fleetwood Mac.

Different Spellings of the name Lyndsay:

Lyndsay, Linzy

People who like the name Lyndsay also like:

Andrew, William, Liam, Chase, Ethan, Zachary, Nathan, Charlotte, Olivia, Emily, Grace, Hannah, Natalie, Emma

Names like Lyndsay:

Laneetees, Leonidas, Lindsey, Lindsay, Landis, Leonitus, Leontius, Lyndsey

Stats for the Name Lyndsay

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Songs about Lyndsay

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L. Wells (Lindsay) - Franz Ferdinand
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