
What is the meaning of the name Marco?

The name Marco is primarily a male name of Italian origin that means Warlike.

Different Spellings of the name Marco:


People who like the name Marco also like:

Oliver, William, Marcus, Liam, Milo, Nico, Leo, Charlotte, Isabella, Amelia, Emma, Olivia, Aria, Ava

Names like Marco:

Marissa, Murcia, Marc, Maruca, Marisha, Markia, Murasaki, March, Marija, Maurissa, Marci, Meurig, Marge, Marek, Marceau, Morgause, Marka, Margo, Marixa, Marcy, Mars, Mareike, Marja, Markku, Marsha, Merche, Marrica, Morrisa, Marika, Mercia

Stats for the Name Marco

checkmark Marco is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Marco is currently #381 in U.S. births
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