
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From Mack's Spring

What is the meaning of the name Maxwell?

The name Maxwell is primarily a male name of English origin that means From Mack's Spring.

The name originates as a place name for a location on the River Tweed in Scotland and first recorded in 1144 CE, spelled Mackeswell. It is a common English surname and spelled MacSuail in Scottish Gaelic. 

Maxwell has been used as a first name since at least 1880 when the United States first began recording name data. In England & Wales it was most popular in 2013 when it ranked #114. 

People who like the name Maxwell also like:

Oliver, Owen, Henry, Liam, Alexander, Benjamin, Jackson, Charlotte, Olivia, Ava, Amelia, Audrey, Violet, Lucy

Names like Maxwell:

Maikulu, Makula, Macayle, Mihangel, Michel, Macall, Mishael, Muncel, Mikkel, Macaulay, Michail, Makayla, Makala, Miguel, Maccaulay, Micol, Mikhail, Mikayla, Michelle, Magaly, Micheal, Magalie, Masiela, Mikaili, Michael, Misael, Makalo, Mekelle, Micaella, Mikailah

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Maxwell Drew Johnson - daughter of Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson , born 2012
Maxwell Edward Armstrong - son of Lance Armstrong and Anna Hansen , born 2009
Bear Maxwell Sullivan - son of Chris Sullivan and Rachel Sullivan , born 2020

Stats for the Name Maxwell

checkmark Maxwell is currently #77 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Maxwell is currently #183 in U.S. births

Songs about Maxwell

Maxwell Murder - Rancid
Maxwell's Silver Hammer - The Beatles
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