What is the meaning of the name Miranda?

The name Miranda is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Admirable.

Miranda is an English and Spanish given name, and also a common Spanish surname. It is derived from the Latin name/word "mirandus" meaning "Admirable and Wonderful."

Fictional Mirandas include the main character in the Shakespeare play, The Tempest and Miranda Hobbes from the television show, Sex and the City, played by played by Cynthia Nixon. Miranda Goshawk is the (fictional) author of a Book of Spells in the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling.

Famous Mirandas include Miranda Richardson, actress; Miranda Lambert, singer; Miranda Cosgrove, actress; Carmen Miranda, singer/actress; and Lin-Manuel Miranda, actor/playwright/composer.

Different Spellings of the name Miranda:

Maranda, Myranda, Meranda

People who like the name Miranda also like:

Amelia, Natalie, Charlotte, Audrey, Olivia, Violet, Victoria, Liam, Lucas, Owen, Benjamin, Oliver, Sebastian, William

Names like Miranda:

Marenda, Merindah, Mirinda, Mironda, Merinda

Stats for the Name Miranda

checkmark Miranda is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Miranda is currently #576 in U.S. births

Songs about Miranda

Crazy Miranda - Jefferson Airplane
Miranda - Adam West
Miranda - Dwight Twilley
Miranda - Fleetwood Mac
Miranda - Slowdive
Miranda - The Halftones
Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore - The Mars Volta
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