
What is the meaning of the name Monroe?

The name Monroe is primarily a gender-neutral name of Scottish origin that means From The Hill.

Scottish clan name, possibly meaning “Man from the river Roe” referring to an Irish place name.

Marilyn Monroe, actress. Monroe Cannon, daughter of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon.

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Liam, Declan, Hudson, Oliver, Landon, Mason, Finn, Violet, Lorelei, Scarlett, Chloe, Stella, Olivia, Charlotte

Names like Monroe:

Mayer, Miro, Mair, Moire, Maury, Meara, Mer, Mimir, Murray, Moria, Moyer, More, Mario, Mireya, Mari, Mariah, Meyer, Meer, Minor, Miner, Morowa, Mirah, Mamoru, Mara, Meir, Meora, Mirre, Morrow, Maire, Mirari

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Monroe Cannon - daughter of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon , born 2011
Harlow Monroe Humphrey - daughter of Megan Roup and Morgan Humphrey , born 2021
Phoenix Monroe Morrison - son of Matthew Morrison and Renee Morrison , born 2021

Stats for the Name Monroe

checkmark Monroe is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Monroe is currently #530 in U.S. births

Songs about Monroe

Marilyn Monroe - Sonic Youth
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