
What is the meaning of the name Noémie?

The name Noémie is primarily a female name of French origin that means Beautiful, Gentle.

Noémie is the French form of Naomi.

Different Spellings of the name Noémie:


People who like the name Noémie also like:

Ava, Naomi, Charlotte, Olivia, Aurora, Esme, Violet, Owen, Gabriel, Liam, Declan, Oliver, Milo, Nathaniel

Names like Noémie:

Nonnie, Neoma, Naiya, Naomh, Neha, Nehemiah, Nen, Nona, Niamh, Nnenia, Nanne, Nyunyuma, Noham, Nay, Naia, Noah, Neenan, Nao, Nena, Nani, Newman, Name, Nimai, Nonyem, Nana, Nahimana, Nam, Nuin, Noy, Nanna

Stats for the Name Noémie

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checkmark Noémie is currently #574 in U.S. births
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