
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Humble, Small

What is the meaning of the name Paul?

The name Paul is primarily a male name of Latin origin that means Humble, Small.

Disciple of Christ in the Bible.

Famous Pauls include: Paul Newman, actor. Paul McCartney, singer/songwriter, member of The Beatles. Paul Anka, singer. Paul Williams, singer. Paul Revere, Revolutionary folk hero, silversmith. Paul Cezanne, artist. Aaron Paul, actor.

People who like the name Paul also like:

Luke, Benjamin, Henry, Peter, William, Thomas, Jacob, Elizabeth, Grace, Amelia, Charlotte, Alice, Emma, Olivia

Names like Paul:

Pihla, Phil, Pello, Poole, Polly, Pala, Pavel, Philly, Paulo, Pablo, Paola, Pabla, Paula, Palo, Powell, Pilialoha, Phiala, Paley, Pwyll, Phila, Pele, Paolo, Palila, Polo

Stats for the Name Paul

checkmark Paul is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Paul is currently #256 in U.S. births

Songs about Paul

A Box for Black Paul - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
I Love John, She Loves Paul - Beulah
Paul Atreides - Richard Pinhas
Paul Klee - The Nields
Paul Revere - The Beastie Boys
Paul Robeson - The World/Inferno Friendship Society
Paul Scott Rap - Andrew Calhoun
Tall Paul - Annette Funicello
The Ballad of Lea and Paul - K's Choice
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