
What is the meaning of the name Rain?

The name Rain is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means Abundant Blessings From Above.

Rainn Wilson, actor.

Different Spellings of the name Rain:

Rainn, Rayne

People who like the name Rain also like:

Oliver, Elijah, Finn, Sebastian, Liam, Aiden, Gabriel, Grace, Lily, Luna, Violet, Scarlett, Charlotte, Aurora

Names like Rain:

Rihana, Roni, Rhianu, Rona, Rini, Rane, Rooney, Riona, Raeanne, Romana, Rayhan, Ronia, Rene, Roma, Rana, Rehn, Renny, Rahma, Reem, Ranee, Rahima, Rynn, Rama, Rennie, Romney, Romee, Rhona, Rani, Ryane, Rune

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Melody Rain Covino - daughter of Layla Kayleigh and Steven Covino , born 2009

Stats for the Name Rain

checkmark Rain is currently #30 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
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Songs about Rain

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Purple Rain - Prince
Rain - Uriah Heep
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