
What is the meaning of the name Saige?

The name Saige is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Herb Or Prophet.

The name Sage started to hit the charts in the 1990s for both boys and girls, evoking the qualities of wisdom and tranquility, given the meaning of the word itself. It might have been first considered as a name in the 1970s with the rise of the hippie and "flower children" names, along with other nature-related names like Meadow and Willow. Sage is currently a popular gender-neutral name used for both boys and girls.

Different Spellings of the name Saige:

Saige, Sayge

People who like the name Saige also like:

Oliver, Jasper, Silas, Mason, Finn, Owen, Liam, Hazel, Violet, Olivia, Ivy, Charlotte, Scarlett, Aurora

Names like Saige:

Shaw, Shahaka, Sasuke, Sis, Sosa, Seyah, Suzuki, Shai, Sookie, Sook, Shecayah, Syesha, Shoya, Shizuye, Sia, Sissy, Suoh, Shoko, Skye, Sky, Sokka, Shug, Shae, Shusuke, Sayaka, Shui, Seiji, Suke, Susie, Suki

Stats for the Name Saige

checkmark Saige is currently #2 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Saige is currently #422 in U.S. births

Songs about Saige

Sage - Broken
Sage - The Affected
White Sage - Floodplane
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