
What is the meaning of the name Saint?

The name Saint is primarily a gender-neutral name of American origin that means Holy Person.

People who like the name Saint also like:

Caleb, Roman, Elijah, Benjamin, Damir, Apollo, Rhys, Tatiana, Sophia, Amara, Serafina, Kaia, Aurora, Brynn

Names like Saint:

Schmidt, Samhita , Smitty, Sandy, Santi, Suewinda, Sinead, Sumati, Sonnet, Santa, Shanetha, Santo, Shaunta, Sioned, Sandhya, Shinta, Senta, Sigmund, Skanawati, Shanda, Shawnda, Shandi, Samantha, Shenandoah, Samant, Sondo, Shanta, Suyuntu, Samad, Synott

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Saint Leo Bolt - son of Usain Bolt and Kasi Bennett , born 2021
Saint West - son of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West , born 2015
Saint Lazslo Wentz - son of Pete Wentz and Meagan Camper , born 2014

Stats for the Name Saint

checkmark Saint is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Saint is currently #313 in U.S. births

Songs about Saint

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Farewell to Saint Dolores - Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer
God, Saint Peter and the Guardian Angel - Carter USM
Saint Simon - The Shins
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