
What is the meaning of the name Sapphire?

The name Sapphire is primarily a female name of English origin that means Gemstone.

Different Spellings of the name Sapphire:

Saphire, Xaphyre

People who like the name Sapphire also like:

Aurora, Scarlett, Serenity, Violet, Luna, Ruby, Charlotte, Emmett, Caleb, Jasper, Sebastian, Oliver, Liam, Gabriel

Names like Sapphire:

Shakespeare, Sapir, Sephora, Spiro, Subira, Sapphira, Severo, Sabra, Sefora, Saverio, Saveria, Savaria, Savara, Saber, Sparrow, Sabri, Shaffer, Savir, Safara, Shepry, Svara, Siofra, Shapur, Saburou, Seifer, Sverre, Saburo, Shabbir, Saphira, Saabir

Stats for the Name Sapphire

checkmark Sapphire is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Sapphire is currently #973 in U.S. births
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