
What is the meaning of the name Serena?

The name Serena is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Serene, Calm.

Serena Williams, tennis pro.

Different Spellings of the name Serena:

Sarena, Serina, Cerina

People who like the name Serena also like:

Chloe, Olivia, Charlotte, Scarlett, Aurora, Violet, Ava, Oliver, Gabriel, Lucas, William, Liam, Ethan, Alexander

Names like Serena:

Serenay, Serene, Sharna, Sarni, Serrano, Sarwin, Sharon, Sorena, Soren, Sriram, Sirena, Sairam, Saranya, Seren, Saranna, Sherman, Sharne, Syaoran, Sarane, Sharona, Sereno, Sherene, Sharmane, Sherine, Sarina, Sorina, Swarna, Sherin, Sigrun, Siren

Stats for the Name Serena

checkmark Serena is currently #90 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Serena is currently #375 in U.S. births
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