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Dream of Sheep


Baby not nodding off as needed? You can’t exactly inform an infant about counting sheep… But nonetheless, a sheep might be your solution… Ewan the Dream Sheep, that is.

The stuffed animal “emits soothing sounds at a low base frequency.” What sounds?  → full article

Baby Formula faster — and safer


Baby formula has to be boiled to 212 degrees. Of course it has to be cooled before serving. The first task is exacting, the second time-consuming. Or at least they were: the Piena Baby Tender Touch Formula Maker will automatically boil, cool, and dispense water, “at the perfect, safest temperature for your baby,” the company says. → full article

Lights and Learning


Babies crave stimulation, and this little device delivers plenty. It’ll also help teach basic numbers with songs and color.

The Spin and Learn Color Flashlight combines animal sounds, changing color lights, music, and more than 50 songs to sing along with. → full article

Baby in a Box?


The Skinner Box, that is: a “futuristic” baby bed designed by psychologist B.F. Skinner to keep his new daughter comfortable and secure.

It seems like old-school tech now, but when Skinner built his “Air-Crib” it was the latest and greatest. → full article

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