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  3. Author: Jennifer Moss

Headshot of Jennifer Moss

Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of BabyNames.com, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media.

Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. In addition to operating BabyNames.com, Jennifer owns a web development agency in central California.

100+ Goddess Names for Girls

100+ Goddess Names for Girls

Many parents are looking to instill strength and power into their baby girl’s name. That’s why they often turn to ancient goddess names or celestial names for their babies. These names can come from Greek Goddess names to Roman Goddess names to Norse Goddess names, as welll as other cultures who revere mythological names. → full article

WORST NAMES in U.S. POLITICS with old photos of people

The Worst Names in U.S. Politics

America has seen a parade of elected officials with names that make you do a double take, from Harry Baals to Dick Wigglesworth. In a world where branding is everything, these statesmen—and woman—leaned all the way into their unusual names, bringing a light-hearted twist to the halls of American politics.
Goth & Gothic Names title card in a black frame with bats and a raven on a branch

100 Goth & Gothic Baby Names

Gothic names have long held a unique allure, steeped in a history of dark romance, mystery, and beauty. Emerging from the depths of medieval Europe, the Gothic style began as an architectural movement with grand cathedrals and intricate stone carvings, but it quickly evolved into a broader cultural expression that’s still experienced today. → full article

Names for Babies Born in CAPRICORN

Names for Babies born in CAPRICORN

♑ December 22 – January 19

The Capricorn child can often express an innate sense of confidence, independence, and initiative. Capricorn is associated with management and leadership, and you could find that your Capricorn child likes to take charge of things in their way. 

It’s said that as the Capricorn child grows, it can sometimes feel like a bit of a role reversal between parent and child as the Capricorn child has a tendency towards wanting to care for their parent, and takes on responsibilities beyond their years. → full article

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