App streamlines photos of your growing child
“Kids grow up fast,” say that developers of the Lifecake app, with which you can “see and share their amazing progress with a private, beautiful → full article
“Kids grow up fast,” say that developers of the Lifecake app, with which you can “see and share their amazing progress with a private, beautiful → full article
Hi Jennifer,
My husband and I are expecting our second child early this November. We love uncommon Biblical names that represent our deep faith, that → full article
Hi Jennifer!
I saw the name Janalyn on another website with unique baby names. I think that it’s a very pretty name, but do you → full article
Dear Jennifer,
We gave our eldest son the middle name ANUND (pronounced On-nund). It was the middle name of my paternal grandfather. My maiden name/his → full article
I’m a big fan of your site! I always check it for celebrity baby gossip and to make a list of my own
Young children are skilled at finding many things while out adventuring — some good, some bad. They often find others’ lost toys and loveys, too. → full article
Jennifer, Me and my husband are expecting twins this July and we do not know the sex of the babies. For boys we like Liam → full article
Hi Jennifer!
Thank you so much for creating this site, it is one of my favorite websites and I visit it almost every day!
Dear Jennifer,
I’m fifteen and writing a Hunger Games fan fiction. It takes place after the last book and the main character is the daughter → full article
Going Places, by twin brothers Peter and Paul Reynolds, is a wonderful read aloud for children in the early elementary age range. As children grow, → full article
The DreamMover baby rocker “gently rocks at the speed of a mother’s heartbeat,” says its maker RoboPax, to “creates just the right amount of ambient → full article
If you aren’t familiar with Anna Dewdney’s Llama series, you are missing out! My children, nieces, and nephews have all enjoyed Llama and his drama. → full article
Hello Jennifer!
I want to ask you about a name from my family history. My however many greats grandmother’s name was Alvie Etta. I’ve also → full article
My son’s name is Patton. My husband likes WW2 history and got the name idea from General George S. Patton. Do you know