Name from History
My son’s name is Patton. My husband likes WW2 history and got the name idea from General George S. Patton. Do you know the meaning?
Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.
My son’s name is Patton. My husband likes WW2 history and got the name idea from General George S. Patton. Do you know the meaning?
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve been a long time lurker on, even before I was married or expecting. Now I’m pregnant with my first child and would appreciate your help; I love the name Declan and the meaning ‘full of goodness.’ My husband’s name is Clay and I was trying to make the baby’s name more meaningful by adding a ‘Y’ to produce the title “Declayn.” My husband thinks that everyone will mispronounce the name and it will cause confusion. → full article
Hi Jennifer,
Well, I like the name Tavia, but I don’t want to name one of my kids after someone I know who’s name is Tavia. So I added a suffix, “anna”. I looked on your site, and “Tavia” was listed as an abbreviation of “Octavia”, meaning eight, and “anna” was listed as “gracious, merciful”. → full article
Hi Jennifer!
Hi Jennifer-
We’re expecting our third child this fall. We already have 2 girls and this will be our first boy. And “boy” are we having a hard time….see what I did there? → full article
Hi Jennifer,
First of all, thanks for all the questions you answer! I really appreciate them!
I was looking for the name Bethel and didn’t see it in your database. Some websites seem to say it’s for a girl, and some for a boy. → full article
Dear Jennifer,
We are expecting our third child next month. We have two boys, Paxton and Zephan. We love unique names and it’s important that they end in “n.” For a boy we love Quillan, which means cub. → full article
Dear Jennifer,
I just came across the baby name Nicora, and thought it was very unique but not too outlandish for a baby girl (albeit a bit more exotic than other daughters names’, Claire and Morgan). → full article
Hi Jennifer,
My husband and I are trying to agree on a girl name. I like the name Leah, but my husband pointed out that with our last name her initials would be L.D. → full article
My fiancee and I are already considering names for when we decide to start a family. We both love Beatrice (especially me due to the name’s wonderful association with Dante’s poetry), however, my last name starts with an S and our fear is that Beatrice S**** will be too cumbersome to pronounce because the two S-sounds will run together. → full article
Hi Jennifer, I was messing around with names recently and came up with Nadaria, a mix of Nadia and Aria.
I was thinking it could mean hopeful melody and am now thinking about using it for my first daughter. → full article
Hello! I’ve decided to answer some of our reader questions on video! Today’s topic is baby name sniping: when you’ve planned to use a baby name and someone close to you decides to use it first! → full article