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Baby Names Lists & Trends

Looking for some name inspo? Browse through our curated name lists and articles about names and naming.


Dear Jennifer,

My grandmother’s first name was Gloriette, pronounced glory-et. I’ve tried looking up this name before with no luck. Does the name come from somewhere? People used the nickname Glo for her a lot. → full article

From Grandma

Dear Jennifer,
I am a 66 year old grandma.  I have two grandchildren right now, however, my youngest son just got married. Your website provides not only information and fun facts to the expectant parents, but a wonderful resource for me.   → full article

Kreatyve Name Feedback

I wanted to add some input to Jennifer’s request for information on people’s experience with common names that required spelling out.

I am an unfortunate victim of just such a name, KATHRYN. I have never liked my name and never felt like it fit me – however the worst part about my name is constantly having to spell it out for people. → full article

A Natural Name

Hi Jennifer,

My husband and I have been talking about names ever since we first found out we were expecting our second child. We had decided on Maggie for a girl, and now that we know for certain that we are expecting a daughter, Maggie it is. → full article

Similar Sibling Names


My boys are 2.5 years apart and we wanted to give them strong Persian names. Our oldest is Darius (Dariush) and our youngest is Darian. I loved their names until recently when people/strangers started commenting on how similar they are, and it’s confusing. → full article

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