Earlier this week, Dancing with the Stars pro Lindsay Arnold announced the arrival of her second child with her husband Samuel Cusick. At the time, she did not reveal her little one’s name and teased that she would “share more soon.” That day has arrived and she is opening up about her experience welcoming her little one.

Lindsay and Samuel welcomed their second daughter on May 3rd and have now shared they named her June. “Our sweet and tiny girl joined our family May 3rd in the afternoon and we have been on cloud 9 ever since.” June joins the couple’s family with their first child, daughter Sage Jill. On how her little one entered the world, the dancer wrote, “Our little June came out fighting and we are so proud of her and just so in love 💕we are soaking up every moment with our girls and just want to say thank you for all of the love and support for our family.”

Lindsay shared her birth story with her followers, detailing some of the scary parts she went through. “Contractions started for me early that morning at 38 weeks 5 days pregnant (just one day earlier than when I went into labor with Sage).” Lindsay’s daughter Sage was born in November 2020. “the contractions started out strong but then in the late morning slowed down quite a bit.” She shared that she was contracting about every half an hour while running some errands throughout the day. “Around 2 pm they picked back up and quickly went from 10 min apart to 3 all in about 30 min. I called Sam and he raced home from work we dropped Sage off at my parent’s house and headed to the hospital!”

The So You Think You Can Dance alum then detailed her experience when she and Samuel arrived at the hospital. “By the time I got there contractions were consistently two min apart and VERY intense. They checked my dilation and I was at 4cm, checked baby girls position and she was still breech (had been breech since 30 weeks) so they called my dr and he said it was time to get baby girl out and move forward with a c section.” Lindsay delivered her first child via c-section as well. She continued, “I walked over to the OR where they gave me my spinal block and prepped me for surgery. Baby girl came out butt first and I was actually able to watch most of this delivery through a plastic curtain, I wasn’t able to see with Sage.”

Then, something scary happened with the couple’s little one. “When it was time for her head to come out that’s when we could see that the cord was wrapped around baby girls neck (explains why she was breech). It was extremely difficult for them to pull her head out and the cord was compressing around her neck as they pulled. When they finally got her head out they quickly unraveled the cord and it was wrapped around our sweet girls neck 6 times. Very scary and shocking moment for everyone in the room (my doctor said he has never seen a cord wrapped that many times). They quickly and effectively worked on getting baby girl breathing and alert which took a few minutes… those minutes felt like forever but we are so blessed that baby girl came to and started breathing on her own.”

Lindsay has been posting to her Instagram Stories quite frequently since June’s arrival. After revealing her birth story, she took to Stories to share that June is a “tiny gal,” which her doctors attribute to having her cord wrapped around her neck. That prevented her from getting the nutrients she needed. Now that she is arrived, Lindsay shares June is “eating well and gaining weight.”

Congratulations again to Lindsay and Samuel on the arrival of baby June! We wish baby and mama continued good health as the couple prepares to bring their little one home.

Headshot of Kate Fann smiling

Kate Fann (she/her) is the BabyNames.com celebrity blogger, as well as an established content writer, aspiring author, and social media expert. She has been featured in online publications such as Bolde, ManoByte, Medium, The Social Observer, and more. Kate has ghostwritten numerous romance novels and is currently working on publishing her own works in the Young Adult genre.

Kate lives in East Tennessee with her husband Casey and her two sons, Quinn and Noah. When she's not writing or scrolling Instagram, Kate can be found tasting delicious wines, playing with make-up, baking yummy treats, or hiking the beautiful Smoky Mountains.