Actor Henry Golding has grown his family! The Downtown Owl star and his wife jointly announced the birth of their second baby. Liv, the founder of the fitness program FitSphere, shared details of the newborn in a birth story posted to her company’s website.

Accompanied by a candid video of the couple’s stay at the hospital with their newborn, Liv wrote in the joint caption of their post, “The journey of childbirth is full of its ups and downs, but glorious none the other.” In the article, Liv revealed that the couple’s second baby was born on September 9th at 9:03 AM. The Crazy Rich Asians star and Liv welcomed a daugther and chose to name her Florence Likan Golding, with the nickname Flo. This little one joins the couple’s family with their first daughter Lyla, born in March 2021.

Following Flo’s arrival, the newborn faced some health difficulties. While she initially seemed to be doing well, she began having difficulty breathing. Doctors learned Flo “had swallowed meconium while in my womb. It had developed into pneumonia and required a 10-day course of antibiotics. Her health would not suffer otherwise and her lungs would heal, but for the first almost two weeks of her life, she needed to be in the NICU.” Meanwhile, Liv was discharged from the hospital with plans on visting her daughter to provide milk and support.

After Liv left the hospital, she faced some health challenges that required her to check back in. She ultimately learned she had a blood infection that required treatment and an extended hospital stay. With both mom and baby on the mend, Liv reflected on the experience writing, “Healing from postpartum, a blood infection, becoming a mother of two, and breastfeeding at the same time was an intense experience that rebirthed me at the same time as my daughter Florence. When a life-changing moment presents itself we have a choice to change with it.”

Congratulations to Henry and Liv on the arrival of baby Flo! We wish the family continued good health as they transition to life as a family of four.

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Kate Fann (she/her) is the celebrity blogger, as well as an established content writer, aspiring author, and social media expert. She has been featured in online publications such as Bolde, ManoByte, Medium, The Social Observer, and more. Kate has ghostwritten numerous romance novels and is currently working on publishing her own works in the Young Adult genre.

Kate lives in East Tennessee with her husband Casey and her two sons, Quinn and Noah. When she's not writing or scrolling Instagram, Kate can be found tasting delicious wines, playing with make-up, baking yummy treats, or hiking the beautiful Smoky Mountains.